DSC00971A meeting of deputy chief of Ulbinsky area police major of Department of Internal Affairs Omarov Baurzhan Sakenovich and first and fourth-year students of Economic and Management Departmentof D.Serikbaev EKSTU was held on October, 28th, 2011. The problems of delinquency prevention and crimes in the youth environment were discussed there.

DSC00976The meeting was organized by the senior lecturer of History of Kazakhstan and the Law subdepartment A.O. Gabdulina for the purpose of development and promotion of youth legal consciousness, increase of legal culture level and respect for the law. Subjects of delinquency prevention and crimes, the actions spent by law-enforcement bodies on improvement crime situation in the city were discussed. There were given concrete examples of the various facts of delinquency and crime.Special attention has been turned on civil activity of youth and rendering of police assistance in preventive activity. The students asked questions and were given reasonable and specific answers of the specialist.

Such meetings with representatives of law enforcement bodies are of great value for the decision of problems on youth legal education.

The dean of the department E.V. Varavin, assistant dean for education S.K. Erezhepova, chairman of the university council on crime prevention and legal education A.N. Tsimbal visited the meeting.


The chairman of the economics and management department commission on delinquency prevention and legal education Gabdulina A.O.