On March 28, 2023, the second session of "ANGAR - Speech day" took place. In the second semester, students studied the discipline "enterprise economics", the result of mastering the course was writing and defending a business plan. The students' work was organized in accordance with the recommendations of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

NCE of East Kazakhstan Region " Atameken" provided mentoring and consulting support to entrepreneurial initiatives among students.

The projects were evaluated by the following businessmen:

  • Damitov Kadyrzha - ex-Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, independent adviser.
  • Sailaubaev Askar - Director of Vostok-Moloko Corporation LLP.
  • Kassymbayev Alexey - head of the Altai Honey Farm.
  • Bekzhan Serikhanuly - Director of TABETTI LLP. Deputy Chairman of the NGO "Association of Business Coaches".
  • Rakhimov Azamat - Deputy Director of ERCcom LLP.
  • Ordabayev Saken is an advisor to the Rector of D. Serikbayev EKTU on commercialization and promotion of startup initiatives.

27 students attended the second session, a total of 15 business plans were presented in the following areas:

  • 3 projects-services;
  • Construction and construction services - 4 projects;
  • IT services and education - 5 projects;
  • 3 projects-production

In addition to real entrepreneurs, the work was appreciated by university students and the teaching staff. The result of the "voice of the people" is as follows:

  • There are 3 works in the Services category. The project "ecotasing with a steam engine for dry and wet cleaning" received the largest number of votes. Teamwork of Yerzhanov Aitmukhammad, Geminkhan Yeren and Sakenuly Beybarys.
  • The second category of work is related to construction and construction services. 4 projects were submitted, 55% of the votes were won by the project of Zvonov Egor "production and sale of an affordable one-storey residential complex".
  • Duisen Ayaulym’s project "creation of a poultry farm for the production of chicken products" scored the highest number of points in the "Production" category – 53%.
  • The fourth category of Business Plans was devoted to the use of the online format in IT services and education. The jury reviewed 5 works. The leader was the project of Myazova Adelina "sale of real estate using virtual reality technologies" at 33% percent.

It is worth noting that all the works were highly appreciated by the jury members. The authors of the works were given recommendations for improving and revising individual elements of the calculation and construction of the business model.