Scientific and practical webinar within the project informatics and management: bologna-style qualifications frameworks (INARM) Topic: Methods, tools and technologies for validating of learning outcomes requirements Qualifications Framework.

Date: 06.02.2014

Program of scientific and practical webinar: (

Speaker Position, organization Title of the presentation
Kuzora Igor V. Ph. D., head of educational programs department, 1C company, education committee coordinator, Information and computer technologies industry association (APKIT) Professional standards in the emerging system of professional public accreditation of educational programs of vocational education
Abdurahmonov Umarkhon Doctor Kulab State University named after Abuabdullo Rudaki. Tajikistan Cooperation of Tajik universities with employers: problems and perspectives
Saliev Alisher Doctor Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov About employers participation in development of a qualification sectorial framework
Grigoryants Armen Associate Professor Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University Specialized learning management systems as an educational quality improvement tool video
Mansurova Madina PhD, assistant professor Department of Computer Science, al-Farabi Kazakh National University Professional standard as the result of interaction of labour market and educational services market
Vasiliy Tikhomirov docent, vice-dean for methodology and training, CMC MSU Design of profiles ICT specialists. The European experience


Participants EKTU: Orazalina Z.Z., Rokhas-Kriulko N.P., Turganbaeva D.M.

(recording of the webinar at: