Place Participant Teacher School District
І Turdybek Aynur Mukazhanov Zh.Sh. Georgievskaya Secondary School Zharma
ІІ Muқaeva Perizat Kaliyeva N.K. Karatalskaya Secondary School Zaysan
ІІІ Bekesheva Amangul Mukazhanov Zh.Sh. Georgievskaya Secondary School Zharma

Participants nominated for the first, second and third places were awarded certificates of the I-st, II-nd, and III-rd degree and cash prizes. For the 4th  10th places the participants were handed in letters of appreciation signed by the rector of D. Serikbaev EKSTU and cash prizes. The cash prizes were provided to the Olympics by the sponsors.

We are grateful to our colleagues, teachers, district departments of education and school staff who took part in the Olympics.

Zh.Uzdenbaev, on behalf of the organizing committee