In becoming of our university that marks a sixtieth birthday this year, the special place belongs Leningradskaya to the Civil engineering institute (LISI) the graduating student of that was a chancellor Anatoliy Konstantinovich Sidorov. When an architectural faculty was opened, from Leningrad for our library brought part of educational literature, including the rare books published at the end of 19 - beginning 20 centuries.
Presently on an architectonically-building faculty creative connections are renewed with this eldest higher educational establishment of Russia, founded in 1832.
The agreement signed between our university and Saint Petersburg architectonically-building university in 2018 was basis for passing in Saint Petersburg of scientific internship of three our: Tubekpaevа Aigerim, Cornelian Olga and Plahotniuc Igor.
The program of internship, that passed in a period from Mays, 23 for June, 1, envisaged an acquaintance with conducted on the building faculty of Спбгасу by scientific researches and equipment of laboratories. Employments and consultations for магистрантов were conducted by anchorwomen scientists of university.
Manager by the department of building constructions, corresponding member of academy of architecture and building of Russia, doctor of engineering sciences, professor Моrosov Valery Ivanovich told about researches of фибробетона - material, that is used not only for ordinary building constructions but also for the corps of chancellors of nuclear power plants. Valery Ivanovich, being a student, made off the Altaian polytechnic institute the name of Polzunova. Now it is a prominent scientist in area of theory of the reinforced concrete, researches of corps high-pressure in the conditions of thermal and radioactive influences for power building.
Manager by the department of geotechnics, corresponding member of academy of architecture and building of Russia, doctor of engineering sciences, professor Маngushev Rashid Aleksandrovich, perfectly owning not only the questions of Foundation Engineering in the difficult engineer-geological terms of Leningrad - Saint Petersburg but also English, acquainted undergraduates with technology of making of models of foundations by means of prism 3d- printers and subsequent experimental researches. On the textbooks published by Маngushev R.А., the students of institutions of higher learning of Russia master discipline of "Founding and foundations", and his reference books on Foundation Engineering serve as the table book of designer.
Both the scientists are chairmen of Councils of defence of candidate's and doctoral dissertations.
Acquainted undergraduates in by the new methods of calculation of building constructions candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of department of building constructions Shmidt Alexander Borisovich.
Such collaboration of universities will proceed in future. In soviet time the teachers of department of building of our university protected dissertations in LISI - S.G. Kusaybgaliev, А.V. Chapin, D.Т. Nugumanov, D.V. Cigulev.