On November 10 in the training-hall of the D. Serikbaev EKSTU administrative building conducted a meeting with the University's doctoral students. 23 doctoral students, currently studying in doctoral studies and 1 doctoral candidate who has already completed the program, but has not yet defended his doctoral dissertation participated the meeting. It was arranged by the pro-rector for Scientific Work and Innovations O.D. Gavrilenko, the Research Work Department, jointly with T.V. Solovyova, the head of the HR service. The Research Work Department engineer Dinara Aydarova presented a presentation on the interaction of the Research Department with the doctoral students of the university, the reporting procedure for the implementation of Scientific Program of doctoral student's Individual Work Plan.
At the meeting, doctoral students posed questions that arose in the education process and proposed ideas for improving methodological support, organizing documentary work as well.
The solution to one of the problems will be the opening of the Office of Academic Writing, whose functions will include helping to publish articles in scientific journals with a non-zero impact factor according to Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters), as well as in scientific journals included in the Scopus database (Elsevier ).
Also during the meeting O.D. Gavrilenko advised the doctoral students about the project on formation of academic teaching staff's and researchers' personnel reserve. One direction of which will be the formation of the personnel reserve through training in doctoral studies. The personnel reserve is the main personnel development project, which is aimed at systemic work to identify the second to none, most promising employees and their training.
The meeting was beneficial to both for the doctoral students and University's representatives for further more productive cooperation. This meeting is not the last one, in the future, such meetings are planned to be held regularly in order to help the development and formation of young teacher-doctors and researchers.
T.V. Solovieva, Head of HR Service