In the frame of the State Program of Education Development, with support from Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, D. Serikbayev EKSTU invites top-manager from Durham University (Great Britain) L. Mudashiru to work during 2016-2017.
L. Mudashiru is a regional manager for Middle East & South Asia at International Office of Durham University. Dr. L. Mudashiru has been fruitfully cooperating with EKSTU scientists - Kulenova and D. Alontseva - when they applied for British Council research grants. International partnership strategy suggested by L. Mudashiru will be implemented in D. Serikbayev EKSTU. His experience, transformative ideas and our university resources will focus on an innovative university model “University – Forum” – international ground for global communication, cooperation, dissemination of knowledge and researches. Welcome, Dr. L. Mudashiru!!!