Since last year, the beginning of a social action project "Serpіn-2050" which is one of today's most popular social initiatives in the country. Now the population is interested in this project. This project is a quality education for young people and will provide an excellent opportunity to find permanent employment. Last year, the project received 2050 applicants this year for the project "Serpіn" number of grants increased 3 times and reached 6200. Of these, 5,000 educational grants for higher institutions. However, in public, there are a number of issues. Especially in terms of participation in the project, and specialty schools as educational grants are allocated. We met with the Chairman of the National Coordination Council of the social project "Serpіn-2050" with Murat Abenova and get answers to questions.
Murat Abdulamitovich, rasskkazhite us briefly about the project "Serpіn 2050"?
Murat Abenov: There are two most important aspects of this project. First- economy. Currently, nine regions of the country, a low birth rate is the outer side of migration, in this regard, there is lack of staff. The urgency of this problem is also growing from year to year. n the coming years in the industry that will be launched within industriyalnoy innovative program will be a shortage of workers.
The project "Serpіn-2050" in these areas is planned to lead graduates to densely populated regions, so that they have been educated in the local educational institutions to stay and work in these regions, thus solving the problem of the frame. The 5 areas of very high birth rate and the population is growing rapidly from year to year. In these regions, it is difficult for school leavers go to college and obtain a degree after they increased the number of unemployed. The project "Serpіn" school leavers from 5 regions allocated special grants in 9 regions. At the same time, they will provide additional social assistance and 100 percent job placement after finishing the training, provided if they stay the same region where studied.
What it was the first result of the project "Serpіn"?
Murat Abenov: Аst year, the total for the project has been allocated grants in 2050, and for participation in the project applications submitted more than 10 thousand people. In other words, every place had 5 people. This is a very high rate. For example, in the Republic in general competition for each place accounted for 2 people. Last year, the project took an active part the youth of Kyzylorda and South Kazakhstan region. From 2050 dedicated educational grants, most of the grant Won Youth, South-Kazakhstan oblast - 837 grants graduates Kyzylordinskay region received 778 grants. Unfortunately Almaty, Zhambyl and Mangistausaya area had low activity. For example the project could do with Zhambyl region, 174 people, 92 people Mangistauskoy- with Almaty region more than 146 people. Given the importance of the project "Serpіn" akim of the region this year, organizing special events for the wider participation of young people. With the support of akim of Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan region by organiztsii "Serpіn aptalyғy" in each region, meetings were held with representatives of educational institutions who are involved in the project. It was a very effective and efficient measure. Many young people have the opportunity to choose schools. Many young people have the opportunity to choose the training zavedeniya. I would like to thank the local governors for organizing the event.
What are the similarities and differences between students holders of educational grants and students are trained on the program "Serpіn-2050"?
Murat Abenov: - scholarships and compensate for the cost of travel. Distinction - at receipt of "Serpіn" there are two additional guarantees. First, it will be provided obschezhitieya before graduating. Admission on the basis of the total grant for them there is no guarantee. Secondly, if they stay the same region where the learning will trudoustroyeny after finishing the training. That is, in the future, to find a job and improve their social conditions.
Whether higher education institution or college, the project should give dual education for young people, for them to establish direct contact with future employers so that they can practice there proidti and employment opportunities. As a result, after graduation, they can easily find employment quickly pour into environment. At the same time the project "Serpіn-2050" for young people who enroll in universities and colleges for their special educational work will be carried out. All young people who are trained for the project are community activists of the National Fund "Serpіn."
The main purpose to unite them, to develop their personal qualities, form the traditional education and formation of properties that meet the requirements of the market. For this, twice a year at the national level, in all regions of the festival "Alaman". Organized camps, summer construction teams, in their spare time, they can work and earn money. Now they can proudly call themselves "Serpinovtsami." This is one of our greatest achievements.
What are the similarities and differences between the distribution of educational grants for GP "Serpіn-2050" and the general grant?
Murat Abenov: Sameness- documents are accepted at the same time, filled with the same forms with the choice of four 4 different specialties and the university. Whether it is a general competition for a grant or competition program "Serpіn" in general, their amount should not exceed the sum of the four options. The results will be considered carefully by the Commission at the same time, and the results will be published in the national newspapers. Distinction- in the general competition can participate graduates 16 areas of proscale "Serpіn" can participate graduates only 5 regions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:
Each university participating in the project "Serpіn-2050" (19 universities) only on some special grants allocated in limited quantities and only competition is held among the specialties. These institutions can participate in general competitive basis to other specialty and win a state grant. But for them the benefits of the program "Serpіn" is not provided. As you can see, the ability to receive a grant under the program "Serpіn" more chances.
What is the difference between the allocation of special project "Serpіn-2050" this year and proshloga year?
Murat Abenov: Last year it was allocated a total of 1050 grants 7 universities 19teaching profession. This year's grants are allocated in 19 universities, 1500 grants pedagogical specialties, 3,000 grants for technical spetsialnosti, 300 grants for agricultural specialties, 200 grants allocated in the veterinary field.
Who can participate in the project "Serpіn 2050"?
Murat Abenov: In this project, can participate graduates of Mangistau, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty region. For this, they must pass the UNT or complex testing. As a result of the UNT and testing kopleksnogo minimum passing score of 50 Ball and 7 points for profile subject.
Where can I get information about the project "Serpіn 2050"?
Murat Abenov: All information contained on this website In the "Introduction" there are links where you can get detailed information about the project "Serpіn-2050". For example, if you open the link "Social project Serpіn 2050" can learn about the goals and objectives of the project. n the "Who is involved in the project?" And "How to go to college on the program Serpіn" You can learn about the conditions of participation in the project. In addition, the "outgoing regions" can be found about 5 minute sent to the regions in the "Host regions," you can learn in detail about the 5 regions kotroye accept documents, their address and contact numbers. In the "Special" has a complete list of universities which are allocated 5,000 grants on 61 specialties. Through the link 'Choice specialty "You can learn how to choose the profession of" Serpіn". On the same page there are 7 different links on the selected items on the UNT and complex testing. This link can be found at specialty grown, specialty code and the number of grants to universities. For example, in physics in four areas, you can choose 33 specialties at 19 universities.
Number Republican Coordinating Council to What's App 8 701 515 20 50. The media campaign also will fill operation. Accounts "Serpіn-2050" is also active in social networks:, Instagram, Twitter. These social. Networks can also be found all the information. At the same time, 5 otpravitelnyh regional headquarters working under the direction of domestic policy, departments of education and youth policy. In each region identified places for representatives of the host regions.
How will receive documents for participation in the project "Serpіn" and what "Application Form" is filled?
Murat Abenov: To participate in the project Serpіn 2050 "need to fill out an application at the reception komissi. The difference is that you need to specify precisely the specialty and universities that uchsatvuyut on SE "Serpіn" and a buyout vydelneny grants. Other additional special forms there. When applying for the competition entrant shall have the right to 4specify, 4 specialty and the university. Before you fill out the application, you must select universities and 4 specialty. Similarly 1, 2 or 3 can be "Serpіn" and other general competition.
What is the specialty, and the university area would you recommend?
Everyone makes choices and take risks. Because, who will be awarded a grant, the state decides to contest. In my opinion, the biggest mistake is - the old approach when choosing a specialty. Currently in the world there are more than 1,000 occupations. Our young people and their parents know, only about 100. Thereby limiting their choice. If these specialties were allocated small grants and failed to pass the competition, learning to decide on a fee basis. In such cases, you need to know that there is a similar kind of specialty. Therefore, the well-known specialty big competition, but for unknown specialty konkrs small. For example: who knows the computer, many choose «informatics». Last year at this specialty minimum passing score for the grant was- 72 points. And in the same specialty, but less well-known as a specialty "Computers and Software" prorhodnoy minimum score for a grant was- 53 points. This example is relevant only for this project, in general competition last year, these low passing scores were not. In some cases, the wrong choice of specialty is the fault of the parents. They are at their discretion pushing their children to the wrong choice. The most important thing when choosing a specialty, to take into account the amount of the grants by the State Enterprise "Serpіn" and in general competition and the results of last year's competition. For example, in large cities large universities competition. Also in the general competition provided rural quota.
Where and at what time of taking the documents to the university?
Murat Abenov: After UNT and complex testing, the documents shall be in the university admissions office from 23 July to 31 July. Documents received in 5 areas in certain public universities.
How are the grants for this project, including the specialties of vybronnomu subject?
Murat Abenov: In general, the Ramak Project "Serpіn-2050" a lot of technical specialty, and humanities kolichstvo of the grants is not enough. For example, allocated in 4 directions 5000 grants for 61 specialties, 60% of them ie grants for physics in 2914, 20% -1038 grants in biology, 10% -480 grants in chemistry. The humanitarian focus: Kazakh literature, world history, geography, a foreign-language in these subjects allocated few grants.
What advice would you give to graduates who wish to participate in the project?
Murat Abenov: First of all, you have to be pragmatic. I would like to advise you to choose a profession necessary for the country in the current market economy, of course taking into account the results of UNT. For example, an applicant wants to study in one of the most prestigious professions, but his results of points in the UNT is not high, in such cases less likely to enroll in the grant. Even if they otuchat in this specialty, it would be difficult to find a job, because a lot of these professionals and the demand for them now is not enough. A dedicated project "Serpіn 2050" to these professions on the labor market are few specialists, so you can easily find a job. Instead of learning a paid basis, better learning free РP "Serpіn" and 100% can be employed.
Murat Abdulamitovich, you gave us the full information. We think that this will increase the interest in the project. However, if you can give a general description buduyuschih young serpinevtsev.
Murat Abenov: First of all, the participants of the project "Serpіn 2050" self-confident, educated and ambitious people. It involved young people who are not afraid of difficulties, quickly adapts to new conditions, which are trying to solve the problem themselves. These are mainly people from a large family. We ourselves have seen this past year. 85 young people who have won the grant by the State Enterprise "Serpіn-2050" in the past year because of large families and 83 from poor families. We are confident that this year the project will involve a strong, self-confident young people and use the opportunity that is provided by the state.