On the grounds of the transition to a three-stage model of professional training the bachelor – master - PhD doctorate, Kazakhstan pays special attention to the training of highly qualified personnel (PhD doctors), as professional training is included to the main priorities of the state policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In this context our university also pays sufficient attention to the development of this sphere. To date, the university has a license in seven areas of doctoral specialties : 6D060100 - Mathematics , 6D070200 - Automation and Control , 6D070300 - Information systems , 6D070600 - Geology and exploration of mineral deposits , 6D070900 - Metallurgy , 6D071200 – Machine Engineering , 6D072300 - Technical Physics , where 50 students are enrolled. Ten of them are first year doctoral students ( including two students studying on target training: one from S. Amanzholov EKSU with major in Information Systems and one from Shakarim University with major in Machine Engineering), 17 students are on their 2nd course and 23 are on senior year.
The apportionment by faculties is as follows:
- 19 doctoral students are in Mining and Metallurgy faculty, 11 people study Metallurgy, 8 doctoral students are enrolled in Geology;
- 14 doctoral students are enrolled at Technics and Machine Engineering faculty, 8 people study Technical Physics, 6 students are enrolled in Machine Engineering;
- 17 doctoral students study at Information Technologies and Electrical Power Engineering faculty, 9 doctoral students are enrolled in Information Systems, 6 students study Mathematics, 2 students are at Automation and Control.
In 2013 two doctoral students graduated from the university and successfully defended their doctoral dissertations for the Philosophy Doctor degree (PhD): on November 27th, 2013 on the dissertation council at KazNU senior lecturer of "Technical Physics" department, doctoral graduate 2013 of the Technical physics department (6D072300 - Technical Physics) Uazyrkhanova G.K. defended dissertation and on December 20th, 2013 senior lecturer of "Mathematical and Computer Modeling" department, doctoral graduate 2013 of the Information Systems department Smailova S.S. (6D070300 - Information Systems) defended dissertation thesis on dissertation council at K.I. Satpayeva KazNTU.
Our congratulations to the first graduates - PhD students - on a successful defense of their doctoral dissertation!
Head of the postgraduate education department S. Muzdybayeva