March 2, 2010. The traditional Kazakhstani-Russian distance Olympiad was held through the Internet on the basis of the educational information technologies laboratory of scientific-technological park "Altai" in the framework of "Daryn" Virtual Academy by UKSTU Center of Pre-university training together with EK RSPC "Daryn" in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

The basic goals of the distance Olympiad are popularization of scientific knowledge, increase of intellectual level of pupils, creation of conditions for revealing and development of talented children, formation of achievement motivation.

The competition was held on March 2, 2010, from 9.00 till 12.00 a.m. in the following subjects: Mathematics, the Kazakh language (schools with the Kazakh language of training), Russian (schools with training in Russian), English. The talented children of 6-8th forms of general educational institutions of East Kazakhstan and Novosibirsk took part in the Olympiad. The time of performing tasks was 90 minutes (Mathematics) and 60 minutes (the humanities). One attempt was given.

The total number of the participants was1264.

Results of theOlympiad (.pdf, 465Кб)

March 12, 2010 |