There was a solemn presentation of the textbook translated into Kazakh and English languages under the editorship of the Doctor of technical sciences, professor Zhenis Orazkhanovich Kulseitov “The reliability of transport technique” in D. Serikbayev EKSTU.
An important factor in the training of specialists is the provision of textbooks of all specialties of the University. Much in EKSTU done for that the provision of textbooks to students grew from year to year. Currently, the book Fund of the university has increased to 1 million copies.
- Special attention is paid to the support of the educational process and science literature in Kazakh language, - noted the Vice-rector on educational and methodological work Nikolai Linok. - In addition, multilingual groups where training is conducted simultaneously in three languages, require textbooks in English too. A special role belongs to the textbook, which was done in Kazakh, Russian and English languages - “The reliability of transport technique” of Zhenis Kulseitov, written in co-authorship with the scientists of the university – Viktor Savostenko, Murat and Alfiya Muzdybayevs.
Initially, the first edition of this book was published in Russian, and then the textbook was translated into Kazakh by teachers of language departments of EKSTU and now into English. With this significant event the authors of the textbook were congratulated by their colleagues – teachers and scientists of the University. They noted that this is the first tutorial published in EKSTU in three languages and it fit in the strategy of development of languages trinity as in University so the country in general.
At the ending of the presentation, Zhenis Orazkhanovich warmly thanked all who directly participated and helped in writing of this book and also who done big and complex work on its translation.