The Ministry of Education and Science of RK declared results of the republican competition "The Best Lecturers of Higher Education Institution". In 2013 555 people from 92 higher education institutions of the country took part in it. Following the results of competitive selection the best lecturers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan were defined. Among them – three lecturers of the East Kazakhstan state technical university of D. Serikbayev!

Annually the competition which has become traditional in Kazakhstan is carried out in two stages:  the first – intra high school, the second – republican.  Participation in it allows lecturers of higher educational institutions to show the achievements in scientific and pedagogical activity.  And the got grant gives winners the chance to pass foreign training in leading universities of the world, to realize the scientific and educational projects.

Happy owners of a rank "The best lecturer of higher education institution" became – Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor of "Innovative management" sub-department Oksana Denisova, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, the associate professor of "Industrial power" sub-department of information technologies and power engineering faculty Nazgul Erdybayeva and the director of postgraduate training and new educational technologies of D. Serikbayev EKSTU, the associate professor of "Information systems" sub-department, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, the doctor of PhD Erken Turganbayev.

Our congratulations!