In 2008 a Council of Young Scientists was established on the basis of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University in order to attract young scientists to solving issues of science and technology development, development of the scientific potential of the republic, to increase the effectiveness of solving problems of young scientists and to attract young people to their solution.
Young scientists are recognized as researchers, trainee researchers, applicants, postgraduates, undergraduates and doctoral students, teachers engaged in scientific activities under the age of 35.
The main tasks of the Council are:
- promoting the professional growth of scientific youth, their active participation in fundamental and applied research;
- performing the role of a representative body and protecting the rights of scientific youth in the academic council and the leadership of the organization, as well as in state bodies and public organizations, expressing the views of scientific youth on various aspects of professional activity and social and living conditions;
- initiating the creation of youth research and innovation centers on a self-supporting basis, as well as other forms of organizing research activities;
- combining the efforts of young scientists to solve urgent scientific problems and priority scientific tasks;
- activation of research work of young scientists through a system of specially designed activities;
- improving the forms of participation of young scientists in research projects, research grants, competitions, programs, internships;
- formation and expansion of a network of contacts with the Councils of other scientific organizations, higher educational institutions.
The Council performs the following functions:
- organization of conferences, seminars and meetings of young scientists, lecture cycles of leading scientists, assistance and support for the participation of young scientists in national and international conferences and seminars, symposiums, internships;
- organization of information support for young scientists on foundations, grants, conferences, competitions and other events in the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad, on measures of state support for young scientific personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- collection and systematization of information about domestic and foreign funds and programs that provide grant support to young scientists;
- contributing to the publications of young scientists by providing methodological and organizational support;
- organization of joint research projects of young scientists of Kazakhstan, foreign higher educational institutions and research centers;
- promotion of access to the use of expensive equipment by youth teams, organization of training in modern methods of work on the latest equipment;
- creation of a database of young scientists who have gone abroad. Establishing contacts with them in order to carry out joint work, as well as attracting them to work in Kazakhstan;
- search for forms of solving housing and other social problems of young people working in scientific organizations and higher educational institutions;
- preparation and holding of sports and cultural events.