Name of the competition within which the project is being implemented: Competition for program-targeted funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical programs for 2023-2025.

Project Supervisor: Bauyrzhan K. Rakhadilov, PhD, Associate Professorр.


The research group of the project

Full name Project position dentifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to related profiles
 1 Bauyrzhan K. Rakhadilov Project superviser Scopus Author ID: 55539741700 ( ),
ORCID 0000-0001-5990-7123
 2 Layla B. Bayatanova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID: 55540404900 (
ResearcherID: ХКН-1113-2023,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5630-4746 .
 3 Gulzhaz K. Uazyrkhanova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID:55540168500 ( ),
ResearcherID Web of Science: ABF-8853-2021
ORCID: 0000-0002-9817-9752
 4 Sherzod R. Kurbanbekov Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID: 55540216100 (,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5510-0568   
 5 Moldir B. Bayandinova Senior Researcher Scopus Author ID: 55540216100 (
ORCID: 0000-0001-9453-0456
 6 Zarina A. Satbayeva Senior Researcher Scopus ID автора 57213689811 (
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAX-2578-2020,
ORCID: 0000-0001-7161-2686
 7 Alexander A. Gularenko Senior Researcher Scopus ID автора 57201112442,
Web of Science Researcher ID: P-5862-2017,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4562-367X
 8 Lazat S. Baimoldanova Senior Researcher Scopus ID 57201851835,
Web of Science Researcher ID: CCW-3877-2022,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3533-242ХХ
 9 Muratzhan K. Sanyazov Engineer  
 10 Alexey V. Jes Engineer Scopus Author ID: 56205324900
ResearcherID: ABF-5831-2021
ORCID: 0000-0002-8172-8073
Young scientists (up to 40 years old + trainees (Undergraduates, Master's students))
Full name Project position  Identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available) Note (teacher, student, undergraduate, doctoral student)
1 Merhat K. Dautbekov Researcher Scopus ID 57222965401
Web of Science Researcher ID: ABK-9945-2022
Doctoral student
2 Nurtoleu M. Magazov Researcher Scopus ID 57220041350,
Web of Science (Researcher ID: ADJ-9528-2022),
Google Scholar ID: BwzDmfUAAAAJ,
ORCID: 0000-0002-9941-9199
Doctoral student
3 Dauir N. Kakimzhanov Researcher Scopus ID автора 57221761416,
Web of Science Researcher ID: ABF-7849-2021,
Google Scholar ID: y1t0GrIAAAAJ,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9453-0456
Doctoral student
4 Nazerke Muktanova Junior Researcher Web of Science Researcher ID: GSD-9094-2022,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4823-6640
Doctoral student
5 Akbota K. Psezhanova Junior Researcher Scopus Author ID: 57225969663
Doctoral student
6 Zarina Y. Aringozhina Junior Researcher Scopus Author ID  58639928600
Researcher ID: IXL-4677-2023
Scholar ID:
ORCID: 0009-0001-8428-4033
Doctoral student
7 Elaman E. Batanov Junior Researcher - Master’s student
8 Aynur Serikbaykyzy Junior Researcher ORCID iD: 0009-0005-7734-9512 Master


Project abstract:

This program is aimed at the development of resource-saving technology of supersonic arc metallization for strengthening and restoration of working bodies of soil tillage machines. The working bodies of agricultural machinery work in difficult conditions, such as fields with uneven relief, uneven surface and different weather conditions. The availability of reliable and durable working soil tillage machines plays a crucial role in agricultural operations, especially in preparing the soil for planting crops. One of the ways to increase the service life of working bodies of soil tillage machines is to apply wear-resistant coatings on wear surfaces. This not only increases their durability, but also ensures stable and efficient operation in the field.

Among the various thermal spraying methods, wire-arc spraying, also called arc spraying (AS), is widely used in the repair and restoration of structural parts in the engineering, mining and energy industries. Compared to other thermal spraying methods such as High Velocity Oxygen Fusion (HVOF) and Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS), Arc Spraying is preferred due to its relatively lower cost, ease of maintenance, higher spraying productivity and significant economic advantages for large area spraying.

Practical significance of the project is that the project results will ensure the development of supersonic arc metallization technology and its wide introduction in the agricultural industry of Kazakhstan. Wider introduction of complex technological, design and organizational measures aimed at hardening and restoration of worn parts will provide an opportunity to obtain a significant economic effect by extending the resource of products, reducing the volume of spare parts, reducing the cost of metallurgical cycle of production, reducing the cost of raw materials, energy and labor resources.

The socio-economic effect should include the fact that hardening and increasing the wear resistance of soil tillage machine parts not only increases the resource of parts and thus reduces metal consumption, but also ensures the productivity of agricultural enterprises. In addition, active participation in the implementation of this program of masters, doctoral students and young scientists will contribute to increasing the level of knowledge and experience in research work of the young generation of scientists and training of highly qualified personnel in the field of materials science.


Development and implementation of supersonic arc metallization technology to improve the complex of mechanical, corrosion and tribological characteristics of agricultural machinery parts.

Expected and achieved results of the project:

Year The results obtained from the research.
Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.
2023 Based on the review and analysis of the agricultural industry in Kazakhstan, the parts of agricultural machinery used in Kazakhstan and their operating conditions were analyzed.
Experimental studies were carried out to substantiate the parameters of supersonic arc metallization for obtaining high-quality wear-resistant coatings using the experimental unit SX-600. On the basis of the conducted research, an industrial unit for the treatment of soil tillage machine organs was developed. Companies specializing in the creation of high-precision equipment were involved for the manufacture of the industrial unit.
2024 Experimental work was carried out to determine the optimal composition of flux-cored wire and modes of supersonic arc metallization of wear-resistant coatings. Five types of wires made by casting and powder metallurgy were purchased and coating operations were carried out by varying the technological parameters of arc metallization (such as voltage, current, wire feed rate, spraying distance, pressure of atomized gas, preheating of the substrate surface).
Work was carried out to develop a method of substrate surface pretreatment to improve the adhesion strength of coatings applied by supersonic arc metallization. Based on a series of experiments, the optimal composition, size and shape of the abrasive material, as well as the speed of the abrasive-air flow used for sandblasting the surface before sputtering were selected.
The structure, phase composition and tribo-mechanical properties of surface layers of steel parts modified by supersonic arc metallization technology will be investigated. Plow bits will be selected as the parts to be treated. Coating application will be carried out according to the mode selected within the framework of this program, and the research will be carried out using proven methods.
On the basis of the conducted experimental studies, the regularities of the formation of coatings on the surface of steels at supersonic arc metallization using wires made by casting and powder metallurgy will be established.
2025 Work will be carried out to develop a mathematical model describing the modes of supersonic arc metallization of soil tillage tools working bodies, providing an assessment of the adhesion strength of coatings depending on the composition of the wire and spraying mode.
A simulation stand for testing the working elements of the cheesel tool will be developed and comparative bench tests of the working elements of the cheesel tool with coating of different compositions will be carried out.
Bench and field tests will be carried out on the working parts of the chisel tool treated by supersonic arc metallization. On the basis of bench and field tests will be evaluated the operational properties of parts of the cheesel tool before and after hardening.
The mathematical model of wear of working bodies of the chisel tool will be developed and on its basis the theoretical-experimental method of determination of their residual life will be offered.
The technological process of strengthening the organs of the cheesel tool will be developed and its economic efficiency will be determined.
