History of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines

History of Kazakhstan and law. The chair of history of the CPSU and political economy was established in the year of the construction of a road construction institute. In 1963, two departments were formed: the chair of history of the CPSU (head - Ph.D., assistant professor Savostenko VM) and scientific communism (head - Samoilov Ya.I.). In the years of their leadership, a joint teaching and methodical cabinet of the history of the CPSU and political economy was created.

In different years the chair was headed by candidates of historical sciences, associate professors Kobylkin TF, Barkov AF, Markashov Yu.N. With the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the implementation of the system for optimizing the education of the department "History and Political Economy" were combined into a single department "Economic theory and history of Kazakhstan", head. The chair was Associate Professor Link N.N. With the creation in 2001 of the Center for Humanitarian Education, Linok N.N. was appointed its director, the head of the department was Candidate of History, Associate Professor Mamyrkhanova A.M.

Further work of the department was expressed in the search for new forms of improving the learning process - the creation of methodological materials, lecture courses on electronic media on the history of Kazakhstan and economic theory. In accordance with the order No. 13-P dated January 18, 2006, the department "Economic theory and history of Kazakhstan" was transformed into the department "History of Kazakhstan and Law" headed by Mamyrkhanova AM, since 2007 - Karasayev G.M. ., from 2013 - Pankovskaya G.I. On 03.07.2015, the order No. 174-n of the department "History of Kazakhstan and Law" was introduced into the Faculty of Earth Sciences. By the order of the rector № 550-k from 12.11.2015 the head of the department "History of Kazakhstan and law" was appointed Aidarbaeva R.K.

Social and Human Sciences and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. In October 1958, with the establishment of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute, the Department of Marxism-Leninism was created among the first five departments. It was headed by Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Damitov Kabdosh Damitovich. After 10 years, in 1973, taking into account the specifics of the subjects taught, it is reorganized into the Chair of Philosophy and Scientific Communism (led by EI Grigoryev, ND Plakotin, IV IV Karbanev) and political economy (head: Vasiliev I. E.). In 1990, the Department of Philosophy and Scientific Communism was renamed the Chair of Philosophy and Socio-Political Theories (Head of the Department Grigoriev EI - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor). Since 2005 the department was headed by N.N. Krasnobaeva.

Order No. 415-p of September 19, 2016 of the department "History of Kazakhstan and Law" and "Social and Human Sciences and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" was reorganized into the department "History of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan".

At this time, the department teaches social and humanitarian disciplines, develops educational and methodological materials, conducts methodological seminars in various areas, is engaged in image and educational work.