- 1997-2002-East Kazakhstan state technical University. D. Serikbayeva
Specialty "Customs Affairs»
Qualification: Manager-customs officer
- 2003-2005-East Kazakhstan state technical University. D. Serikbayeva
Specialty " Economics and management at industrial enterprises»
Qualification: engineer-economist, diploma with honors
- 2006 -2009 applicant of Kazakhstan financial and economic Academy, Semey
- 2010. Defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.05 on the topic: "Priorities of the export potential of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the materials of the East Kazakhstan region)»
from August 2002 to the present time I work in EKSTU. D. Serikbayeva. (work experience 17 years)
2016-certificate "Positioning and promotion of the University in the market of educational services". Russia, St. Petersburg
2007-2009-senior consultant-analyst of LLP "Regional Bureau of economic research" at the state Department of economy and budget planning of East Kazakhstan region (participation in the development of 12 socio-economic projects on East Kazakhstan region in various industries and agriculture).
2012 - in the development of the concept justification for the innovative project " Strengthening of low-carbon steels "(JSC " National Agency for technological development»)
2012 - in the development of the concept justification for the innovative project "Small-sized self-propelled plant for cleaning sidewalks in winter and summer" (JSC " National Agency for technological development»)
2012 - in the development of the concept justification for the innovative project " Development of scientific and technical bases for improving the reliability and durability of led lighting devices of increased efficiency for interior lighting "(JSC " National Agency for technological development»)
2012-2013-participant of the project " Diversification of secondary raw materials of animal husbandry of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan - as an innovative basis for the formation of rural business environment "(GU "Committee 2016-2017. project Manager "Rebranding"in EKSTU. D. Serikbayeva. Brand book development.
2017-2019-participant of the project " Development of technologies for the production of medical products from tantalum and niobium»
2018-leading researcher of the project " Diversification of the agro-industrial complex as a factor in the formation of the potential of import substitution of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»)
2018-advising SMEs on marketing communications, online marketing, rebranding, etc.
Preparation of students for the Republican Olympiads in the specialties "Management" and "Marketing".
2018 Almaty KazNU. Al-Farabi-team "fast and furious" took the 3rd place in the Republican Olympiad in the specialty " Management"
2018. Almaty NARKHOZ - team "HYIP" took 2nd place in the specialty " Marketing"
Training coach. Conducting trainings in such areas of marketing as:
- «Sales technique»;
"The organization of the exhibition sales»;
- "Touch marketing»;
- «Marketing research»;
- «Marketing»;
- «Marketing communications»;
- "Merchandising»;
- "Rebranding", "Restyling", " Corporate identity"
Басталу күні |
Аяқталу күні |
Көлемi |
Түрi |
Ел |
Қала |
Мекеме түрі |
Өткен мекемесі |
Тақырыбы |
31.10.2022 |
04.11.2022 |
36 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
ВУЗа Республики Казахстан |
Люблинский Политехнический |
Методы и инструменты бережливого производства, используемые для улучшения академической работы |
17.10.2022 |
28.10.2022 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
Зарубежного ВУЗа |
ВКТУ им. Д. Серикбаева и НИ ТГУ |
Концептуальные основы "зелёной" экономики |
20.09.2022 |
30.09.2022 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
Зарубежного ВУЗа |
ВКТУ им. Д. Серикбаева и Университет Памукале |
Public Finance Management: Current Practices and New Challenges |
06.04.2022 |
14.04.2022 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
Отраслевого центра |
Kaizen center |
Хосин Кантри - развертывание стратегии |
14.02.2022 |
25.02.2022 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
ВУЗа Республики Казахстан |
Astana IT University |
настройка системы внутреннего обеспечения качества в высших учебных заведениях |
31.01.2022 |
02.02.2022 |
16 |
Тренингтер |
Испания |
Сантьяго-Де- Компастела |
Зарубежного ВУЗа |
University of Sanyiago de Compostela |
Training on Master Subjects |
15.11.2021 |
25.11.2021 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
Зарубежного ВУЗа |
ВКТУ им. Д. Серикбаева и Университет Памукале и Люблинский политехнический университет |
Management in Education |
01.04.2021 |
15.04.2021 |
72 |
Курстар |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
Отраслевого центра |
Агентство внедрения ИСО |
Подготовка внутренних аудиторов системы менеджмента противодействия коррупции по требованиям международного стандарта ISO 37001:2016 и рекомендациям международного стандарта ISO 19011: 2018 |
01.03.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
44 |
Курстар |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
ВУЗа Республики Казахстан |
Эрасмус + |
Listening and Speaking course Intermediate Level |
25.07.2019 |
30.07.2019 |
72 |
Тренингтер |
Испания |
Аликанте |
Зарубежного ВУЗа |
Университет "Universidad de Alicante" |
"Diversification of the agro-industrial complex as a factor in the formation of the potential for import substitution of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
01.02.2018 |
11.02.2018 |
18 |
Тренингтер |
Казахстан |
Усть-Каменогорск |
ВУЗа Республики Казахстан |
Центр развития карьеры и личности |
Современные методы исследования рынка труда |
21.03.2016 |
25.03.2016 |
40 часов |
Курстар |
Россия, |
Санкт-Петербург |
ВУЗа Республики Казахстан |
ЧОУ ДПО «ЦНТИ «Прогресс», |
«Позиционирование и продвижение вуза на рынке образовательных услуг», |