As part of the Chinese initiative "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR), East Kazakhstan Technical University named after. D. Serikbaeva and Tianjin Youxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. started a joint project to create a laboratory for intelligent agriculture (Joint Intelligent Agriculture Laboratory).

The goal of the project is to introduce the results of joint scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence into the agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This project contributes to strengthening cooperation between the scientific community and the manufacturing sector of Kazakhstan and China, aimed at developing the intelligent modernization of agriculture through the use of advanced AI technologies.

At the current stage: an international research group is being formed; the need of the agricultural industry for intellectual modernization is determined; the resource potential of the laboratory is created.

The grand opening of the laboratory took place as part of the 2024 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application (Tianjin). The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of VKTU named after. D. Serikbaeva Saule Rakhmetullina and Executive Director of Tianjin Youxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Chun-Ming Ou.