«We move to the post-industrial world in which rules the triad» education - science - innovations»

N. Nazarbayev

N. A. Nazarbayev in his message to the people of Kazakhstan spoke about the necessity of implementation of «innovative methods, decisions and tools in a national education system». Our university occupies the advanced positions of national education and in its activity is guided by priorities of public policy. One of the VKGTU»s problems is to educate the experts who «have to become engines of a new course», the people, capable to bring the economy of Kazakhstan to a new stage of development.

The prominent economist of the twentieth century, English scientist J. Shekl said, that the real economist should be "the mathematician, the philosopher, the psychologist, the anthropologist, the historian, the geographer, the expert in the field of policy, the master of literary style, and even though to be a person who knows real life, having practical experience in the sphere of business and finance; he has to understand problems of public administration and to have a good knowledge of  4 or 5 languages». We are students of the 3d course of economy’s faculty who were lucky to meet such person at the lectures in September of this year. He is the professor of Novosibirsk State University, the Doctor of Economics Lychagin Mikhail Vasilyevich. He is really a very talented and uncommon person. He won our’s favour from the first lesson by having written poem for a few minutes in the end of the class. Mikhail Vasilyevich is a polyglot. He speaks English, French, Spanish, German, various Slavic languages fluently.

The course «Financial Economy» was developed by M.V.Lychagin at the faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk state university. He demanded from us to use not only already acquired skills, but also to invent, to create and to think logically, to process the huge volume of information, choosing what is the most necessary. M.B. acquainted us with publications of the foreign authors who are the members of American economic association (AEA) and he It’s a member too. Third-year students and the postgraduates of the faculty of «Economy and management» could read the latest articles on any of subjects directly from the official site of AEA in English. Mikhail Vasilyevich also developed in us the acting talents. We had to represent the outstanding economists or to play operations on transfers of bills more than once.  We put a part of ourselves in each work.  Tasks which professor gave us were different and demanded the ability to think accurately, to systematize the information, to inform it to listeners. After each completed task students had to make a mini-report where the purpose, the problem and the importance of the work were presented. It allowed us to penetrate better into a task essence and to study it completely. Mikhail Vasilyevich explained each theme very accurately and clearly, gave various examples from the literature. He mentioned T. Dreiser's well-known novel «The Financier» when he spoke about the insurance market; referred to J. H. Chase's and S. Sheldon novels. The episode from the children's book «Alice in the Wonderland» helped us to understand such a difficult definition as an option. Examination work on «Financial economy» was to make a «Memory card».

The «Memory card» is the big scheme which summarizes the whole material of the course. The main goal was to find not only the connection between the studied material, but also to represent it colorfully and creatively.  The lectures and laboratory Mikhail Vasilyevich mean a lot to us. He awoke an interest to languages and creativity in us and, he made us know that everything is in our hands. We must be individual, we must constantly strive to improvement, be comprehensively developed personalities – that is the constant leitmotif of lectures of Mikhail Vasilyevich. We would like to thank the rector of VKGTU Temirbek Nurlan Mukhanovich and the dean of the faculty «Economy and management» Varavin Evgeny Vladimirovich for this opportunity to get an additional education to expand the understanding of the horizons of economic science modern methodological innovations in teaching of the economic disciplines.