Which universities are the most popular? This question is answered annually by uniRank, the global ranking of universities (https://www.4icu.org/kz/).

Global UniRank ranking estimates the web popularity of world universities based on independent statistical data. To calculate the ranking position a special algorithm is used based on independent indicators, carefully processed and gathered from popular web sources. The selection takes into account metrics such as site traffic levels, number of active links and flow metrics. The study also takes into account the number of unique visitors and page views of the institution's site from mobile devices and PCs.

This type of information allows potential domestic and international students, academics, and employers to understand how a particular institution is positioned in the online space.

In 2023 the rating shows the results of web-popularity of 104 Kazakhstani higher educational institutions. D. Serikbayev University moved from 13th position to 9th position among Kazakhstani universities and from 6000th position to 4952nd position among 13800 universities in the world ranking in comparison with the results in 2022.

We congratulate all the staff and wish our university to achieve more and more heights!!!

Department of Development Strategy and Quality Assurance